Wednesday 19 August 2009

Guys: Body Language Basics For Seducing Women

Body language is VERY important. According to studies carried out over 50% of your communication comes from your body language – what you DON’T say and less then 8% of your communication comes from what you DO say.

What does this mean to you?

It is MORE important to pay careful attention to HOW you say things, and HOW you stand and HOW you act than it is to WHAT you say (at least initially).

You see, you could have the BEST game in the world and be able to really get any woman to like you loads, for example online, but if you used those same successful techniques in the real world and lacked obvious confidence, lacked eye contact etc – You would simply CRASH and BURN.

Honestly, body language is SOOOO important in attracting women. Later in the course we’ll go into how you can use the female’s body language to READ her mind and know what she’s thinking. This article is about YOUR body language.

Ok… So, I’ll cover the basics as the advanced stuff is beyond the scope of this article (if you want more advanced detail concerning body language you can check out my site:

Body language basics:

1. Smile

You have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable that you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick as possible. Especially when talking to her for the first time. You also need to let her know that you are confident and comfortable around women. A big and genuine smile is the best way to do this. It works. In fact, if you ever get an Ice Queen that you can tell is about to give you the “dead eye”, give her a big smile. Practice smiling at random people. You’ll be surprised by how many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. Smiling WORKS. Just don’t make it a cheesy, fake smile ;)

2. Eye contact

As you know there’s nothing worse than staring at a woman’s chest – or even looking. It makes you just like all the other guys who drool over her. If anything you should use all your skill to NOT look at her chest – she’ll wonder why her womanly powers don’t work with you and she’ll seek your attention and subconsciously TRY to get you to look!

When talking to her, try to maintain eye contact. Not too much because it can be intimidating, but if you aim to have eye contact with her around 70% of the time you are talking, this should be comfortable for most women. Don’t stare like a crazy man, just be natural but if you naturally look away or are slightly shy when it comes to eye contact, make a conscious effort to have a little more. Eye contact can make serious connections within people. They say the eyes are a window to the soul and I think there may be some truth to that. There are even speed dating type events being run that involve just staring into each others eyes – and from what I hear, they are pretty successful.

Maintain eye contact. Not too much, about 70% of conversation time. Be natural.

3. Upright posture

Guys can get away with a bit of a hunch, but women really do prefer men with straight, upright postures. Look at all the big film actors like Pitt, Cruise etc. They all have good posture. It says to a woman you are confident, healthy, and strong (at least in mind). It’s just generally more attractive and says lots about who you are. Plus it’s good for your back and will help strengthen your back muscles making it easier to maintain.

Get into the HABIT of having an upright posture.

4. Gesticulate with open palms

You will not hear this tip anywhere else (or if you do, it was almost certainly copied from this course).

I’ve gone into in depth studies of body language and this one is a good one to use in MANY circumstances – I’ve adapted it here after solid testing to picking up women – however, some people suggest that when combined with a few other verbal and non-verbal techniques it can even give you a 50/50 chance of getting out of speeding fines!

Anyway, basically, when you are talking to a woman and trying to make a point (that puts you in a positive light) or defend yourself (for example, a girl suggests you might be a player) you talk and using your hands you have open palms facing upwards. Keep your arms in front of your body with your palms facing the sky and smile as you talk.

It works VERY well on a subconscious level to suggest you are being honest and telling the truth. And if you want a woman to begin to trust you, making her think you are being straight with her, is important.

This open palm gesticulation MUST be combined with a smile to work effectively.

Those are the basics of body language, if you'd like to learn more visit Tiffany Taylor's site by clicking here

Sunday 16 August 2009

How To Approach Groups Of Girls You Don't Know, And Get Them To Think You're Great!

For this example I’m going to use women at a bar. I will be going into lots of other techniques for non-bar pickups too but for now, we’ll stick with this.

(Note: In fact, I even recommend you try my top places for picking up that are not bars – they are WAAAAAAAY better than ANY bar and you’ll see a massive leap in your success rates with women.)

As you know, women don’t usually go to bars on their own. They go in groups.

Approaching GROUPS of women can be extremely daunting and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can fail BADLY with groups and like a pack of wolves they can rip you apart. I’ve seen men get cussed at, totally ignored and even drinks poured over them.

But if you do the approach RIGHT, then your success with a group of women can usually yield great results.

Whenever I suggest approaching groups of women I get LOADS of guys looking at me as though I’m from another planet. I realize that lots of guys probably don’t have the initial confidence to simply walk up to beautiful women they don’t know. Don’t worry, this can be easily solved. I’ll give you some simple tips here.

SIDE NOTE: If you have a major confidence problem then don’t worry, I have an advanced 155-page E-book called HypnoDate which almost exclusively goes into increasing your confidence with women – and it works through the power of self-reprogramming so it doesn’t matter how shy you are, this thing WILL work for you. It’s a bonus product in my site member’s area that comes with my book at no extra charge.


Step 1. Walk around the shopping mall and when you catch a woman’s eye, smile at her – more often than not, she’ll smile back. To start with you can do this just with shop employees. Even if they don’t WANT to smile, they probably will. Good practice. And you might even brighten a few women’s lives a little.

Step 2. Once you’ve gained confidence in making natural eye contact and a smile with staff, you could move onto other women in the mall. I’m not suggesting big weird freak smiles, just nice, natural friendly ones. A lot of women will smile back at you.

Step 3. Here’s where it might seem a little weird, but this really does help and practice and repetition will make this lots easier. Just say “hi” with a smile to women (and men if you like) as you walk around the mall. It will feel HORRIBLE at first if you are not confident but slowly, after an hour or two, it’ll seem easy.

After you’ve smiled and said hi to 20 or 30 women, you should start to feel good (as long as you don’t quit on your first negative response – this will happen and will happen when you’re approaching women to pick them up – you HAVE to learn to step out of your comfort zone if you want to be successful with women).

One of my male friends did the “smile at girls in the mall” technique and he actually ended up meeting the girl of his dreams and is still with her 3 years later – how’s that for effective!

There are loads of other techniques you can do to build your confidence, most not quite as scary as the mall one. I go into others within my book…

Right, let’s assume you now have the confidence or at least the guts to approach women you don’t know in a bar (Again, I don’t just go into bar pickups in my book, in fact, I think the best places to pick up women are NOT in a bar – I think it’s everyday places where you’re not competing with other single guys).

Firstly, let’s suppose two girls are sat together at a bar. One is the ‘ugly’ one and one is the hot one (the one you like the looks of and would like to get to know more).

You see the girls. Go up to them and talk to them NOW! Don’t waste time. Within 3 seconds of seeing them, approach them. Some people call this the 3 second rule and I must say it really does seem to work.

If you see her and like her, it’s best not to think too much about the approach, or you’re more likely to work yourself into such a state that your approach will be ineffective or you’ll just pussy out altogether!
(Don’t worry I’ll tell you WHAT to say when you get there in a future lesson). So within 3 seconds, go TALK to her!

ALWAYS, ALWAYS approach a woman from the side or an angle from the front. !!!NEVER from behind – IMPORTANT!!!

If you go up to the group at the bar and approach from behind you will INSTANTLY invoke a negative response, and they will be put on the defensive - for obvious reasons. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS go in from the side...

Like to learn more about how to meet, attract and seduce beautiful women?

Friday 14 August 2009

How This Economic Recession Can Help You Pick Up MORE Girls...

We all know how unstable the economy is right now - but for all of you guys out there wanting to find a girl, things may actually be looking up...

Let me tell you right now that amidst this economic recession, one of the industries that’s BOOMING is the online dating industry.

Yes. Sometimes there are some things that are just worth way more important than money... sex and love are two of them!, E-Harmony, are all posting record high memberships numbers. And what does that mean for you?

There are more women dating online right now than ever! Whoever said online dating was just a fad several years ago are biting their tongues now!

So sure... that also means more GUYS than ever are dating online. This is why I’m here to tell you in this special article that... it doesn’t matter! I am going to give you the tools you want FOR FREE.

That’s right. Want to learn how to make profiles that will magnetically attract the women you really want? Do you want to know what to write in those “Interest Boxes”? Do you want to know what to say to a woman to make her SWOON for you...and create a level of mystery that will making bedding her easier than ever?

Then I implore you to click on this link and find out more:
...and learn how I discovered to how to pick up several girls a week from online dating websites... and even Facebook and MySpace!

Pickup has never been so easy. Here’s to you never being lonely ever again.

Monday 10 August 2009

3 Critical Errors When Talking To Women Online. You're Probably Doing One Of Them Right Now!

So… you’re on your favorite dating site… or maybe you’re on Facebook…

And there she is.

The girl that catches your attention. But what do you do? Let me tell you what 99% of guys do… they’ll message them and say something really generic like…

“Hey! How’s it going! You look really interesting and I was wondering if you would like to chat sometime! Hit me back!”


“Wow, you’re gorgeous. I bet you have all the guys out there hitting on you… but hopefully this message will get through to you because I would really like to treat you out sometime!”


“I’m the nicest guy ever if you give me the chance! You should hit me back!”

I don’t care if you believe me – but it’s true. I guarantee you the success rate of some of these generic messages are about near 1% if you’re lucky. And that’s if you have a really nice profile…

So what’s the magic formula?

Well for starters…I did mention this before… you need for PERFECT YOUR PROFILE before you get started.

Don’t message ANYONE until your online dating profile is perfect!

What do I mean by this? You need to get the right pictures and right content in your profile. An attractive girl will not message you back if you have NO picture and just the most generic responses in your profile content.

Picture yourself from a girl’s perspective… you see some guy message you on some dating website and he has NO pictures… can you say creep?
What kind of pictures do you need to include? Typically speaking, you need to include pictures that convey value – but not in the way you’re thinking of… I’ll get to that a bit later.

The second thing you need to do is READ HER PROFILE. Too many guys fail to personalize the first message, which is critical. There are too many cut and paste messages out there.
An attractive girl gets as many as fifty messages a day! Do you think she’s going to have time to read all of them? Absolutely not.

You need something that catches their attention…the easiest way to do this is to personalize your message! More on this later…

Finally, the third thing most guys do is… write way too damn much!

Keep the message SHORT! Again, you need to appear like a non-creepy and non-needy guy. Again, imagine being an attractive girl… and you literally receive a full-fledged NOVEL! How weird is that to her? You barely know her and already you’re willing to invest a massive amount of time for her?

She doesn’t deserve that yet.

I give you all the tips you need on my website! So you’re in luck.

Go check them out right now at!

You won’t be disappointed.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Send Her An MSN/AIM Instant Message That Will Make Her Panties Wet

How the hell do you turn on a girl... SEXUALLY... through instant messenger conversations?

Sure, some girls just don’t dig the whole “cyber” thing... but how do you know if you’ve got one that does?

Let me teach you how you can figure out if a girl is D.T.C. (Down To Cyber)... and let me teach you how you can convert her into a girl that’s receptive to “cybering”.

Then... get her phone number and invite her over for some REAL sex...

First and foremost... do not attempt these methods unless you’ve built enough trust and attraction FIRST... you need to receive at least seven online indicators of interest before attempting any of this. And furthermore, these tactics work best for girls that you know in real life already...

I go over these in another article...

But let me tell you first the power of the “;)” emoticon. No, that isn’t a typo... it’s the WINK emoticon. The careful and precise usage of this can get you LAID, buddy! So listen up...

After a few minutes of attraction building, say something like...

“Be right back... don’t miss me TOO much... ;)”

If you’ve built enough trust and if she feels like she knows you well, she’ll be receptive to this. If not, she’ll just say something like... “lol. Ok.”

If you get that response, don’t move on...

However, if you do get a response that’s positive... when you come back, say something like... “So you missed me, huh? You know you love me. ;)”

A lot of women will respond to this in a very sexual manner if you’ve built enough trust.

After, if the response is positive, which it should be... keep escalating! Start talking about sex... not sex between you two... but sex in general. Be descriptive.

Did you know that women generally LOVE reading about sex? Why do you think all those romance novels really get some women going...?

It’s because she fills in the blanks with her imagination. Escalating a women through text message or instant message is a lot easier than you think...

Check out the full method on how you can ignite your instant messaging game...

Visit... and I go through all of it! Good luck!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

The LAST Thing A Girl Wants To Hear About...!

Alright. I have to get this off my chest before I go INSANE...

So many guys that pickup girls online make this mistake. I mean, it seems like it would work, but it really... REALLY doesn’t.

This error that I’m referring... BRINGING UP SEX TOO EARLY!

Every guys seems to want to bring up the topic of sex way too early. DON’T. For many HIGH QUALITY women, it’s a sure sign that you’re just a horny punk with no respect.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t bring up sex... but that’s further down the road when you’ve built up enough TRUST and COMFORT... and often, I wouldn’t bring up sex until you actually MEET the girl in real life first!

Women have this negative image of how men are online... they think there are a ton of creepy guys that DON’T know how to REALLY please a woman... and by bringing up sex way too early, you are falling right into this “creepy category”...!

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t FLIRT online. You just need to know HOW to do it properly and make sure you don’t come off the wrong way.

You can convey what I call “Online IOI’s” or “Online Indicators of Interest.” An Online IOI can mean “lol’ing” at their jokes, increasing the amount of what you write, decreasing the duration of intervals between of messages, etc.

Mix these in with some “Online IOD’s” and now you have a recipe for creating a tremendous amount of attraction through your instant messages or e-mails...

Want to know the COMPLETE formula for getting those beautiful women you seen on Facebook/MySpace or online dating websites in your bed? Then check out my website where I’ll tell you... for FREE! <-Find all the secrets here.

Monday 3 August 2009

Can I poke a girl on Facebook to start a conversation?

A lot of guys ask me… Can I poke a girl on Facebook to start a conversation? Here’s the short answer… NO!

Sure, it’s a cool little tool to use on your friends… but for picking up beautiful women you barely know or don’t know AT ALL on Facebook? Not a chance!

Poking a girl (or cyber hugging, kissing, etc.) is pretty much useless… I mean… beautiful girls probably get poked more than the Pillsbury Dough Boy on Facebook!

And just as often, they press the “remove” button to get rid of those annoying pokes from desperate guys. I saw one of my hot girlfriend’s Facebook account and my jaw dropped.

She literally had dozens and dozens of guys poking her on a regular basis. Her e-mail account was filled with notices of guys she didn’t know poking her.

“I don’t even have time to get rid of those!” she tells me… boy, was she annoyed!

Poking a girl isn’t unique or funny… nor does it convey any value or induce any amount of attraction.

Really… nothing beats a good, solid, well-thought first message that conveys a LOT of value without sounding too cocky or arrogant… and that COMPELS her to message you back.

Typically, especially on Facebook, this can be tough. At least girls on online dating websites ARE looking for guys…

But surprisingly, building rapport with a good-looking chick on Facebook is easier than you think!

There are a few key ingredients in a first message that you really need to have. Listen carefully, here… because the first message is probably going to the most important message... or definitely one of the most important.

One of the key ingredients that your first message needs to have is a strong purpose. No, telling a girl that you barely know on Facebook that she’s cute isn’t a STRONG purpose. It’s a rather weak one.

And no… asking her to “webcam” with you isn’t going to work, either! Too many guys do that. It’s way creepy if you haven’t figured that one out yet…

A strong purpose can range from a very intriguing open-ended question to a silly little remark regarding her profile picture. No, a question like “How are you?” just won’t cut it. That may work in real life if you convey strong body language, but online, it must be much deeper… more thoughtful.

You really need to know how to push her curiosity buttons. You need to make her WANT to message you back.

I mean, you can even make a sly little judgment about her… something like… “Hey, you look like you’re on Facebook ALL the time…”

This will make her want to message you back. She doesn’t want you thinking that she’s a computer nerd that has no life… so she’s going to be compelled to message you back and correct your initial perception of her.

Really, it’s quite a simple mechanism that you can exploit.

Oh yeah, and remember… spelling and grammar is always important.

If you want to have all the tools to build rapport with girls on Facebook FAST, you have to check out my brand new course that I just released that tells guys, step-by-step, exactly how to pickup beautiful girls on Facebook.

You’ll never have to leave the house again to pickup girls… not that you SHOULD do that... but at least you’ll know how to. For the days you’re feeling lazy and you wanna get laid…

So go ahead and check out my course at!